Our Story

Our movement began in Mumbai (then called Bombay) in the year 1964. Pastor S. Joseph was ordained Pastor of the first church in 1969. He registered 'The New Life Fellowship Association' as a separate legal entity in 1975 and became its founding Chairman. The movement went through difficult times in the early years until July 1980 when the Lord gave Pastor Joseph a vision for the city of Mumbai, the Nation of India and the nations of the world. From then on New Life began to grow in Mumbai and beyond as the leadership was propelled by this vision. In July 2010 there was a turning point in this organization causing Pastor Joseph to launch a new organization called, 'New Life Movement International' (NLMI). In June 2021, Pastor Joseph went home to be with the Lord but his vision lives on through his spiritual sons and daughters.
Victor Nazareth was saved in 1980 while doing post-graduate studies at Colorado State University. After completing his Ph.D in Engineering, Victor returned to India in 1984 with a deep burden for his home country. For the next two years, he saw the Lord use him among expatriate Indians in the Sultanate of Oman (Persian Gulf) where he worked as a hydro-geologist and led a house-church.
In 1986, Victor returned to Mumbai and married Esther, daughter of Pastor S. Joseph. They have three children David, Daniel & Deborah. The church in Delhi began in 1987 after Victor and Esther responded to the call of God on their lives and moved to Delhi.
The vision God gave them was to establish a strong local church in the city, developing it into a Mission Base for successive church planting in the cities, towns, villages and tribal regions of North India. Over the past 26 years they have served God in the Gurgaon National Capital Region (NCR). Today New Life Church in the Gurgaon NCR is a network of many churches in and around the Capital.